Multiple Craftgasm

Wherein Karida knits, crochets, embroiders, quilts, does cross stitch, and paper craft (It's not scrapbooking damnit!). But mostly she knits.

Sunday, July 29, 2007


Erika and I just watched Mystery on PBS and Miss Marple says something to the effect of "Balls! They're always rolling all over the place and getting lost. That's why I prefer skeins." I love Miss Marple. She kicks Jessica Fletcher's ass. And pokes her with her long, straight, metal needles.

Anyway, some of the super secret knitting and stuff is done and packages mailed have all arrived. First, pop over to see the adorable bootees I sent Stefanie. She's the only pregnant knitter friend I have, and I'm so excited for her! And I love knitting tiny things.

Other not so secret package arrived to Jacki. Go forth and see the giant hank o' yarn. She's gonna make something awesome, and I can't wait to see it.

And finally, the yarn to Rob and Matt. Rob posted pics of the sock yarn I sent his direction. Notice how he mentions that there's more headed their way. Yeah. Imagine me spending the rest of the week skeining all that yarn. Yeah. So there's my week. What are you doing?

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Tour de Farce: Rehab for Lapsed Spinners

All of the people doing Tour de Fleece have made me terribly jealous. Particularly Jacki. And watching Travis has made me feel very lame. He's been spinning for less than a month, and already his yarn is more even and consistent than mine. Bastard. And let's not even talk about his yarn dyeing.

So, with that in mind, I've started my own Tour de Farce! It has no particular goals other than "spin more than you had been spinning" and by the end of it, "produce something that doesn't suck ass."

A bit of background. I have a Louet S10 spinning wheel that I hardly touch. I have no time for spinning. None at all. I work 40-50 hours a week and then another 15-20 doing Neighborhood Fiber Co. So I've felt okay not touching the S10. After all, it's not like I don't do fiber-y stuff. And I'm not any good at spinning anyway. I bought the thing on a whim when I started the business with the vague idea that I'd be renting it out as part of some crazy travelling spinning lessons idea that hinged on my former business partner carting the thing around to various locations. Needless to say, we were both crazy and this didn't happen. So, now the wheel sits. And sits. And doesn't get used. And I said to myself, "Self, you are lame. If you want to do something, make time for it." And myself said, okay.

So, Tour de Farce. Starting late and finishing late. It takes 21 days to make something a habit, so 21 days. It'll be like spinning rehab. Behold the fiberish motivation.

Coke Binge Barbie:

and Halloroving:

Part of what made me drool was the exciting fiber combinations that Jacki has been combing up on her homemade hackle. You just can't buy yarn like that. You can't even really buy roving like that. You have to blend it yourself. Or email Jacki and ask her to blend it for you. So we arranged a trade and there you have it. This fiber is too delicious to sit in a bin. It must be spun! So, I will spin it and post pictures on my progress. Let the Tour commence!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


This is the email I got from the people at the Crafty Bastards Arts and Crafts Fair:

Dear Crafty Bastards Applicant,

Thank you for applying to the Crafty Bastards Arts & Crafts Fair. Sadly, we can't
take you this year. Our jury judged a field of 400 applications from crafters of all
types and was limited to accepting 100 vendors. We love the indie craft community
and encourage everyone to keep on crafting!

Thank you again for applying. We wish you luck in your craft and hope to see you in
the future!


The Crafty Bastards Crew

At the risk of sounds terribly self-important, wtf? Am I not crafty enough? Is my bastard status in question? I mean, don't they know who I am???

Crazy rant ended.

I've been actually working on lots of knitting and exciting projects, but they are sooper dooper sekrit. So, details coming after July 27.

In the meantime, bask in the glow of my bag lady glory.

The delightful Flo from Lexie Barnes. I could write an ode to Lexie Barnes. The prints! The colors! The amazing indestructability!

For I am Karida, the Destroyer of All Things. Seriously, I can break, rip, stain, or otherwise ruin anything. So my bags tend to get trashed quickly, which makes me reluctant to spend more than $20 on any fabric bag. But Lexie's bags are reinforced and made of water-resistent fabric. And still cute enough for me to carry around without looking like a school kid with a backpack.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Dork Out

Now, I know this is a knitting blog. And there should be pictures of knitting. But not today. Today I give you the thing that has made me the happiest woman in the office. July 20 and 21 at the Avalon Theater. Buffy Sing Along. I'm so there.

blah, blah, blah yarn dyeing, blah blah blah knitting. will post relevant fiber-related pictures soon. pinky swear.